Jenny's Thoughts Living and Business.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Not such a bad week!

Well after all that feeling down, the weigh in was good for me, now 64.4kg a loss of 1.2kg in the past week. Having the scales play up and needing a new battery did my head in. It will be good when I feel like my body is changing, so I can enjoy the reward. At least I know the work has been worth it, even though I didn't get the exercise in every day.

For my time table, I find it works better if I do 2 sessions on days I have the time, which is usually twice a week, so that's 4 sessions, then the other 2 sessions aren't so hard to achieve. RPM fits in there twice, which I am really liking because there is something to achieve and I can feel the difference. I will continue to work on the exercise program and make improvements as time goes on. Our swimming pool is undergoing repairs at present, best time I suppose in the winter, but I do miss doing my few laps. I will just have to be satisfied with the big kids pool, at least its warm and I can swim in it even though I'm almost touching the bottom..

It's raining today and I was going to do my walk/jog around the 5km fun run track, but now have to change the plan. My Grand daughter is here today, she stayed over last night and she is board right now because her Nana is on the computer. But I did make her some apple tarts, the first lot she ate all of them, but the second batch she will take home to share with her mum. But of course she is still hungry!!! I plan to go to the shops soon to get some cooking utensils that I have found I need to make life easier. I am very happy with the weight loss it is good.


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